A Trek
To Remember

“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent
working in the office or mowing your lawn.
Climb that goddamn mountain.”

Jack Kerouac

The Mardi Himal trekking runs beside the flow of Mardi (khola) river winding in through a remote forested valley of bamboo and Rhododendron giving you experience of different cultural attraction.This Annapurna route is perhaps the least visited trekking area in Nepal from the high altitude camp at 4120m .You can see the most amazing close quarter views of 3 of the 14 highest mountains in the world. 

Mardi Himal trekking is definitely the destination for those who would like to experience the beauty of solitary peaks as highlight of trekking in Nepal. Annapurna can by every lover of nature and beautiful landscape.


Trekking in Nepal

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